About Me

Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Currently I am residing in Knoxville, Tennessee as a junior at The University of Tennessee. I am majoring in Retail & Consumer Sciences with a minor in Business Administration and Spanish. In order to strengthen my second language as well as heighten my education and college experience, I will study abroad in Barcelona, Spain this fall. In addition to honorably holding the title as Miss African-American United Ohio, I am also very active in school as the Secretary/ Treasure of the Retail Student Association. My goal now is to land an internship this summer in Atlanta, GA.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Miss African -American United Ohio 2010

"In order to inspire others one must posses self inspiration. I am inspired by challenges, opportunities, knowledge, new ideas & experiences. Self inspiration = leadership. Therefore, I am taking charge to inspire others to become leaders by setting a great example as a LEADER myself."